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Fraud warning: Some members have received text messages claiming to be from Stanford FCU asking to confirm suspicious charges. Do not click on the link! These messages are not from us and the link does not go to our website. If you’re unsure about a message or want to check your accounts, please call us at 888.723.7328.

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Fraud warning: Some members have received text messages claiming to be from Stanford FCU asking to confirm suspicious charges. Do not click on the link! These messages are not from us and the link does not go to our website. If you’re unsure about a message or want to check your accounts, please call us at 888.723.7328.

Refer A Student

Refer a student and you’ll each earn $25!

Your Stanford FCU simply free Student Spending account is saving you over $100 each year on monthly service fees, ATM fees and other nuisance fees usually charged by banks. Tell your friends so they can save money, and you’ll each earn $25!

How it works

Your non-profit credit union is on a mission to improve the financial lives of every Stanford student. Use your unique Refer A Student code to earn $25 each time you refer another student. We’ll put $25 in both your accounts within 24 hours—it’s that easy!

There’s no limit to the number of friends you can refer, so start earning today! Just log into Mobile or Online Banking and click on Open & Apply > Refer a Student under My Offers.

Refer a student graphic
  1. Generate a unique promo code and share it with Stanford students
  2. Remind them to join the credit union today at (it’s free!)
  3. You each get $25 when they become members — refer as many as you want to earn more!
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